Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Back in action!

I (Nate) was out of town for 10 days. I went out on the road with Convicted from Chicago on the Blacklisted/Have Heart/Ceremony/Let Down tour. Shows were good. I had a good time.

Once I get home we got down to business and back in the Black Teeth flow with practicing/writing more. Then this past weekend we went out on the road again doing a weekend out. I worked until 3 then we drove 5ish hours to Des Moines for a show at the Haunted Basement. Every single time I go to this place something ridiculous happens. This time was no different. Some bro-type dudes were pissed at people at the show and wanted to fight someone. Everybody at the show heckled them enough that they became pretty friendly to us and thought we were awesome. This dude that we named Party Kyle decided to Teen Wolf up on top of this icy car that he'd spilled beer all over. He fell off an broke his leg in front of us. Most of us laughed at him, some were concerned. I wasn't the latter. We had a sick show for sure, check out Lord Green. Band is fucking awesome. After the show we headed to this pizza spot where this girl some people from the show hooked us up with $1 meals of like 2-3 slices. So sick.

Drove that night down to Kansas City and stopped at Terrible's Casino on the way down there. What a dump. Near Kansas City I started hella tiring out and needed something to keep me up so I played Madball's "Hold It Down" and "Set It Off" and jammed the fuck out to stay awake. Thank you Madball for keeping Black Teeth alive.

After seeing the brighter side of Kansas City we finally got to our dude Taylor's place and passed out in his living room. Kyle and I shared a couch, everyone else sprawled on the floor. Went to bed around 6:30 am.

Woke up around 9:30/10:00 and we went out for the day exploring Kansas City. Taylor took us to this place for a free pizza. Thing was 26". SCORE. Met up with Suburban Smash at the Pizza Place who were coming back from a weekend out. Here is a Suburban Smash weekend. Pile 5 dudes into a car and drive to Nebraska, Denver, and Kansas City from St. Louis. Wooow. So much road-time for a weekend out. Anyway, we we went out to this rootbeer brewery and everybody scored these giant bottles of rootbeer that tasted like the nectar of life. Shit was insane good! Hit up a couple skateparks, too. So sick.

Show was in Taylor's basement. I started feeling like crap around the time of the show. Show was fucking awesome. Suburban Smash was awesome again. Listen to that band. Solid show. Helium Head is awesome too. That band is a riff factory.

After the show we foot-raced outside and once again Randle proved he was faster than me. Taylor beat out Randle though and claimed King Footracer of the Midwest Wolfpack. I think Randle Longlegs would've taken him if he wasn't tired out from previous races.

Filled up on gas for $1.49 and one-tanked the drive home. 6 hour drive on $29 of gas. NOT TOO BAD!

We have a show this weekend at Johnny's Coffee House in Metamora with Manta Ray Gun. It's their CD release show. The show is a donation based show, whatever you have is good enough. $1, $3, whatever.

I'll have some pictures of the show soon. See you guys soon.

- Nate

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Update - 11/5/08

We've played a grip of shows in the last couple weeks.

St. Louis was awesome. Get into Suburban Smash that band is awesome. Their singer is a 5'0" ball of maniac.

Tour's almost all put together, a couple days fell through and will be replaced with either other shows or finding some place warm enough to go skateboard.

We're tacking on a couple more weekends after we get home from tour, as well.

Weekend with Rattletooth
January 16th - Indiana
January 17th - Nashville, TN
January 18th - Indianapolis, IN

Weekend with Arms Aloft
February 6th - Eau Claire, WI
February 7th - Fargo, ND
February 8th - Minneapolis, MN